In the News

Eriel and Carmen learning about coastal stewardship at T'Sou-ke Marine Office.

Blue Futures Pathways: featured among 10 scientists involved in the blue economy. The Sustainable Blue Economy encompasses many sectors related to the ocean, fresh water, ice (the cryosphere) and wastewater. Visit Students on Ice PORT webpage to access learning resources.

UVic News. Inuit Youth Climate Action Summit. 10/04/2023

ICLD Sweden. The Future We Imagine: Reflections from the Autumn School in Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR). 11/28/2022

The Circle Magazine, WWF. Working Together to Elevate the Voices of Inuit Youth. 2022

Tusaayaksat Magazine. From Tuk to the Global Stage. Winter 2019/2020

Langscape Magazine. Happening to Us: Amplifying Youth Voices from the Arctic. 07/30/2020

CBC North. Tuktoyaktuk teens will show their climate change doc at UN conference. - 10/09/2019

UN Youth Climate Report. Help bring Inuit Filmmakers to COP25. Blog post - 10/23/2019

Nunatsiaq Online, Diving head first into a sea of Arctic knowledge: Live dive video event educates people across Canada - 08/31/2017

UVic News, UVic alumni make history with broadcast of Arctic live dive -08/28/2017

Cette biologiste de la vie marine amène les étudiants dans les fonds marin. ILS FONT LE CANADA, Radio-Canada. Souligne les Exploits de 18 agents de Changements au Pays - 07/08/2017

This Marine Biologist is Bringing School Kids to the Ocean Floor. WE ARE CANADA, CBC. Highlighted Among Top 18 Young Changemakers in the Country - 04/30/2017

She Does the City, Meet Marine Explorer Maeva Gauthier, Co-Founder of Fish Eye Project - 05/02/2017

Radio-Canada (CBC French) Radio, Phare Ouest, Le Weekend de la Plongée - 01/15/2016

Radio-Canada (CBC French) Radio, Phare Ouest, L’expérience de Plongée  “Live Dive” - 11/27/2014

Radio-Canada British Columbia (CBC French) TV News about Live Dive, - 11/27/2014

The Martlet Newspaper, Fish Eye Project connects viewers with an underwater world - 09/25/2014

The Ocean Project, Divers use technology and fun to inspire kids young and old, March 3, 2014.

The Ring, From Quebec to the Deep Blue Sea, University of Victoria, Convocation profile, June 7, 2012


Featured in Diver Magazine in November 2015 for Fish Eye Project.

Featured in Diver Magazine in November 2015 for Fish Eye Project.

The Fish Eye Project team celebrates a successful live dive in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. Photo: Peter Spence / Students on Ice Foundation

The Fish Eye Project team celebrates a successful live dive in Cambridge Bay, Nunavut. Photo: Peter Spence / Students on Ice Foundation